Gaurav Singh


I am a B.Tech with MS by research student at IIIT, Hyderabad. I work on robotic perception and 3D computer vision at the Robotics Research Center, supervised by Prof. K. Madhava Krishna at RRC, and Prof. Srinath Sridhar (Brown University).


Jun 2024 CGDF accepted at IROS 2024:partying_face: See you in Abu Dhabi :camel::camel:
Sep 2023 Served as a reviewer for RA-L
Sep 2023 HyP-NeRF accepted at NeurIPS 2023! :partying_face::partying_face:
Jan 2023 SCARP featured as the “Publication of the Week” in the Weekly Robotics newsletter.
Jan 2023 SCARP accepted at ICRA 2023! :partying_face::partying_face:

selected publications


  1. traj_cgdf.gif
    Constrained 6-DoF Grasp Generation on Complex Shapes for Improved Dual-Arm Manipulation
    Gaurav Singh*, Sanket Kalwar*, Md Faizal Karim, Bipasha Sen, Nagamanikandan Govindan, Srinath Sridhar, K. Madhava Krishna
    IROS, 2024


  1. hypnerf.gif
    HyP-NeRF: Learning Improved NeRF Priors using a HyperNetwork
    Bipsaha Sen*, Gaurav Singh*, Aditya Agarwal*, Rohith Agaram, K. Madhava Krishna, Srinath Sridhar
    NeurIPS, 2023
  2. scarp.png
    SCARP: 3D Shape Completion in ARbitrary Poses for Improved Grasping
    Bipsaha Sen*, Aditya Agarwal*, Gaurav Singh*, B. Brojeshwar, Srinath Sridhar, K. Madhava Krishna
    In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023